Resumé Cet article rend compte d'une étude derecherche-action qualitative s'appuyant sur un guide d'entretienécrit.

They also identified the need to develop certain affective and professional skills such as: the control and development of certain emotions, being consistent, prioritizing and the development of English-speaking skills. The findings also pointed out that student teachers were interested in applying what was learned about reflective teaching and thinking in the regular school classroom. Findings show that it had positive effects on most students' general knowledge of reflective teaching, helped to develop their self-knowledge and awareness, a questioning disposition, and the application of reflection to their out-of-classroom life. Specifically, the discussion of finding reveals that the course aided in the development of student teachers' reflective teaching and thinking. The aim of the study was twofold: One, to examine the impact of a course in Reflective teaching on two cohorts of Bachelor of Education student teachers at a local university college and two, to continue the process of giving credence to reflective teaching as integral to effective teaching and learning.

This paper reports on a qualitative action research study which utilises a written interview schedule.